8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)が11/13-17に筑波で開催されました。国際会議のホームページはこちら。
"8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics"
November 13-17, 2018, Tsukuba, Japan(つくば国際会議場、エポカルつくば)
216 (学生:45, ポスドク:44, 研究者一般: 127)
Africa: 1
South Africa: 1
Asia: 162
China: 18, India: 3, Indonesia: 4, Israeli: 4, Japan: 114, Korea: 12, Taiwan: 6, Turkey: 1
Europ: 32
Austria: 3, Belgium: 1, France: 4, Germany: 11, Hungary: 1, Italy: 1, Poland: 1, Portugal: 1,
Russia: 5, Slovenia: 1, Spain: 2, UK: 1
North America: 16
Mexico: 2, USA: 14
South America: 5
Brazil: 2, Chile: 3
Plenary: 23
Parallel: 128
A. Quark and gluon structure of hadrons: 27
B. Hadron spectroscopy: 36
C. Hadron interactions and nuclear structure: 27
D. Hot and cold dense matter: 38
Poster: 40 = 6(A) + 9(B) + 7(C) + 16(D) + 2(other)
Quark and gluon structure of hadrons:
- parton distribution functions, generalized parton distributions,
- transverse momentum distributions, high-energy hadron reactions, …
Hadron spectroscopy:
- heavy quark physics, exotics, N*, ...
Hadron interactions and nuclear structure:
- hypernuclear physics, kaonic nuclei, baryon interactions, ...
Hot and cold dense matter:
- quark-gluon plasma, color glass condensate, dense stars,
- strong magnetic field, mesons in nuclear medium, hadronization, …
KEK, クラスター新学術を含む9機関/組織