第10回国際レクチャーシリーズ(The 10th International Lecture Series)

The Xth international lecture series on clustering as a window on the hierarchical structure of quantum systems' をオンラインにて下記のとおり開催します。
講師:Sofia Quaglioni(LLNL)
タイトル:Unified ab initio many-body theory for the structure and dynamics of light nuclei
日時(date):6月11日(金) 9:30-11:00 
                    6月15日(火) 9:30-11:00
                    6月16日(水) 9:30-11:00
【Lecturer】Sofia Quaglioni(LLNL)
【Title】Unified ab initio many-body theory for the structure and dynamics of light nuclei
【Date/Time】The lecture will be given on-line by zoom.
 Lecture1:June 11th 9:30-11:00(JST)
 Lecture2: June 15th 9:30-11:00(JST)
 Lecture3: June16th 9:30-11:00(JST)
【Registration】Please register on the  URL below by June 7th, 2021.

【Lecture1:June 11th 9:30-11:00(JST)】
•General introduction: Predictive understanding of nuclei and their interactions
•From QCD to nuclear forces
•From nucleons to few-nucleon systems
Lecture2: June 15th 9:30-11:00(JST)
•From few-nucleon to many-nucleon systems
•The no-core shell model
•The resonating group method
Lecture3: June16th 9:30-11:00(JST)
•The no-core shell model combined with the resonating group method
•The no-core shell model with continuum
•Applications: nucleon-4He scattering; the 11Be nucleus; deuterium-4He scattering and  6Li; solar fusion cross sections; deuterium-tritium fusion; 4He-4He scattering and 8Be; 6He-6He, 4He-8He scattering and the 12Be nucleus

The study of rare isotopes at radioactive beam facilities has opened new frontiers in nuclear physics. To enable the discovery of model deficiencies and missing physics it is essential that the new insights from these experiments be confronted with predictive theoretical frameworks capable of describing the interplay of many-body correlations and continuum dynamics, characteristic of exotic nuclei as well as of the nuclear reactions used to produce and study them.
At the same time, a predictive theory of nuclear structural and reaction properties is also desirable to aid in precisely determining thermonuclear reaction rates that play an important role in fusion-energy experiments, the predictions of stellar-evolution models, and simulations of nucleosynthetic processes.
In these lectures, I will introduce the ab initio no-core shell model, an ab initio many-body approach for the description of the static properties of well-bound nuclei. I will then show how this approach can be combined with a microscopic cluster expansion known as resonating group method to arrive at a unified ab initio description of bound, scattering and reaction properties of light nuclei. Finally, I will give examples of applications to the description of the structure and dynamics of light-exotic nuclei and low-energy light-nuclei reactions starting from chiral two- and three-body Hamiltonians.

世話人:肥山詠美子(東北大・理研)、関口仁子(東北大)、中村隆司(東工大)、金田佳子(京大)、保坂淳(阪大RCNP)、土井琢身(理研)、金賢得(京大)、Pascal Naidon(理研)、富樫甫(東北大)