


開催場所:大阪大学吹田キャンパス接合科学研究所、荒田記念館 アクセス情報はこちら




講演・旅費補助希望の受付は2023年1月10日締切、参加登録締め切りは1月31日締切とさせていただきます)。RCNP宿舎を希望する方は1月20日までに参加登録を行ってください。宿舎は先着順とさせていただきます。 宿舎は満室となったため、締め切りました(1/27)

締め切り後、登録いただいた方に Zoom の接続情報をお送りします。


 Program(PDF version) (0207 updated)
 Lunch Information

2023/2/9 (Thu) Chair
10:00 10:15 Takashi Nakamura Tokyo Tech Welcome Address K. Shigaki
10:15 10:45 Satoshi Yano    Hiroshima Univ. What the ALICE experiment has revealed over the past decade
10:45 11:15 Taku Gunji The Univ. of Tokyo Future prospects of quark cluster physics with ultra-relativistic heavy-ions
11:15 11:35 Akira Ohnishi YITP, Kyoto Univ. Femtoscopy for hadron-hadron interactions
11:35 11:55 Makoto Oka ASRC, JAEA  Cluster of quarks in hadrons
11:55 12:15 Hiroyuki Fujioka  Tokyo Tech Preparation Status of Decay Pion Spectroscopy Experiment on Double-Lambda Hypernuclei
12:15 13:15 Lunch
13:15 13:35 Masaaki Kimura RIKEN Theoretical study of cluster decay from photonuclear reactions and its application to
the ultra high energy cosmic rays
H. Ohnishi
13:35 13:55 Kouichi Hagino Kyoto Univ. Shape evolution in atomic nucleus and clustering
13:55 14:25 Kazuya Aoki KEK Experimental study on the spectral change of vector mesons in nuclear medium at J-PARC
14:25 14:45 Tomonori Takahashi RIKEN Development of continuous readout electronics for precise measurement of dielectron spectra at J-PARC
14:45 15:05 Break
15:05 15:35 Tomofumi Nagae Kyoto Univ. Perspectives of strangeness nuclear physics with S-2S H. Tamura
15:35 16:05 Yudai Ichikawa JAEA  Study of hadron cluster by using HypTPC detectors
16:05 16:35 Takeshi Yamamoto JAEA  Status and prospects of Xi-atomic X-ray spectroscopy at J-PARC
16:35 16:55 Tadashi Hashimoto JAEA  Lifetime measurement of light hypernuclei at J-PARC
16:55 17:10 Fumiya Oura Tohoku Univ. Study on light hypernuclei by a triple coincidence method in gamma-ray spectroscopy
2023/2/10 (Fri) Chair
9:30 10:00 Takashi Nakamura Tokyo Tech Multi-neutron clusters  Y. Kondo
10:00 10:30 Kimiko Sekiguchi Tokyo Tech Few-nucleon scattering and three-nucleon forces
10:30 10:50 Masanori Dozono Kyoto Univ. Study of pair vibrations as an elementary nuclear mode using the (alpha,6He) reaction
10:50 11:10 Break
11:10 11:30 Ryotaro Honda KEK Development of beam TOF system for high statistic Λp scattering experiment H. Ohnishi
11:30 11:50 Natsuki Tomida Kyoto Univ. Study of inner structure of hadrons within partonic view
11:50 12:10 Takahiro Doi RCNP, Osaka Univ. Baryon-baryon interactions by the HAL QCD method on lattice
12:10 13:10 Lunch
13:10 13:40 Kotaro Shirotori RCNP, Osaka Univ. Investigation of hadron effective degrees of freedom from charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment
M. Horikoshi
13:40 14:00 Takatsugu Ishikawa RCNP, Osaka Univ. Trials to determine the eta-nucleon and phi-nucleon low-energy scattering parameters
14:00 14:20 Florian Schaefer Kyoto Univ. Prospects and experiments with Er Li large mass-imbalance mixtures
14:20 14:35 Taiki Ishiyama Kyoto Univ. Insights into new physics and nuclear physics from precise isotope shift measurements
14:35 14:50 Kantaro Honda Kyoto Univ. Quantum Simulation of Three-Body Forces in an Optical Lattice Using Feshbach Resonance
14:50 15:05 Shunpei Iwasaki Keio Univ. The spatial and time structure of the odd-frequency Cooper pair wave-function
15:05 15:25 Break
15:25 15:50 Yoshiko Kanada Kyoto Univ. Progress report on nuclear clustering A. Hosaka
15:50 16:10 Kazuyuki Ogata Kyusyu Univ. Towards the observation of unbound clusters
16:10 16:30 Hidekatsu Nemura YITP, Kyoto Univ. Hyperon-nucleon potentials from lattice QCD
16:30 16:45 Katsuyoshi Sone Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Near-threshold hadron scattering using effective field theory
18:00 20:00 Conference Dinner 懇親会 (La Scena in Suita Campus, Osaka U. ラ・シェーナ, 吹田キャンパス内)
2023/2/11 (Sat) Chair
9:00 9:25 Yusuke Nishida Tokyo Tech Three-body force and beyond in one-dimensional cold atoms Y. Takahashi
9:25 9:45 Munekazu Horikoshi Osaka Metropolitan Univ. Experimental evaluation of the Virial coefficients for Unitary Fermi gases
9:45 10:05 Koki Manabe Keio Univ. Thermodynamics of a strongly-interacting Bose-Fermi mixture: Emergent deconfinement crossover and QCD-like phase diagram
10:05 10:25 Hiroyuki Tajima The Univ. of Tokyo Three-body crossover of fermionic systems across the hirachical structure
10:25 10:45 Shimpei Endo Tohoku Univ. Universal behaviour of few- and many-body systems around the unitary limit
10:45 11:05 Break
11:05 11:30 Takaharu Otsuka The Univ. of Tokyo Cluster structure of atomic nuclei from ab initio perspectives E. Hiyama
11:30 11:50 Yasuro Funaki Kanto Gakuin Univ. Formation of clusters and alpha condensate as a limiting case in low excitation energy region
11:50 12:10 Shinsho Oryu Tokyo Univ. of Science Hierarchical Structure of Potential by Particle Transfer
12:10 12:30 Shigeo Ohkubo RCNP, Osaka Univ. Supersolidity of alpha cluster structure in nuclei
12:30 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:05 Emiko Hiyama Tohoku Univ./RIKEN Structure of nuclei and hadron systems from view point of few-body problem  T. Nakamura
14:05 14:25 Masayuki Asakawa Osaka Univ. Open Charm Mesons and QCD Critical Point
14:25 14:40 Takashi Nakamura Tokyo Tech Closing Remarks

