2019.3.19 Epelbaum氏による東北大セミナー 

講師: Evgeny Epelbaum (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
題目: "Nuclear theory at the precision frontier"
日時 : 2019年3月19日(火)、14:00-16:00
   理学研究科合同B棟7階745 号室
最寄駅:仙台市営地下鉄東西線 青葉山駅
               MAP  "H-03" の建物

アブストラクト :
The nuclear force has been the heart of nuclear physics since the very beginning
of this field. Remarkable progress has been achieved in recent decades towards
quantitative understanding of nuclear forces and the corresponding current operators
in the framework of chiral effective field theory. Combined with modern few- and many-body
methods, this framework provides a solid basis for ab initio studies of nuclear structure
and reactions in harmony with the symmetries of QCD. I will review the current status<
and prospects of this approach and discuss selected applications.

Contact: Kimiko Sekiguchi <kimiko_at_lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp>