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attachment:oscillo.zip of nebula-himac/オシロ&ビームスポット写真

Attachment 'oscillo.zip'


File Name                                            Modified              Size
oscillo/DSB(1p1)+(N+H)_strobe.bmp              2011-05-19 00:45:50       385078
oscillo/N+H_strobe.bmp                         2011-05-18 23:43:58       385078
oscillo/nebula_hime_adc_gate.bmp               2011-05-19 00:33:30       385078
oscillo/nebula_veto_timing.bmp                 2011-05-18 17:59:12       385078
oscillo/pla_L1300R1200_day2.bmp                2011-05-19 22:49:58       385078
oscillo/pla_L1800R1800.bmp                     2011-05-18 23:26:06       385078
oscillo/pla_LR.bmp                             2011-05-18 23:23:44       385078
oscillo/pla_LR1300_day2.bmp                    2011-05-19 22:47:24       385078
oscillo/pla_LR1500_day2.bmp                    2011-05-19 22:43:16       385078
oscillo/pla_LR1600_day2.bmp                    2011-05-19 22:40:24       385078
oscillo/sc_gate.bmp                            2011-05-19 00:05:08       385078
oscillo/trigger_strobe.bmp                     2011-05-18 23:30:24       385078

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