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* INSTALL [#s21fd076]
* INSTALL [#qa3510fc]

(1) Install the following packages
- jfreechart
- epsgraphiscs

(2) Change the directories of the following files
- Makefile.bat (or Makefiles and ./src/Makefile)
- src/Manifest.txt
- src/MplotFile.java : DefaultDir
- src/MplotFrame.java : icondir

(3) Execute Makefile.bat (or make by cygwin).
Then Mplot.jar is created in the source directory. You can run Mplot by shortcut.

* UPDATE [#o2c8d3e8]
* UPDATE [#v6e60f99]

- mplot version 2.8 (2016/12/21)
-- modify calibration for filewrite/plot -> plot/filewrite
-- modify MplotFile for skipping headers of input data

- mplot version 2.7 (2015/01/12)
-- add MplotCopyTextActionListener for copy text by mouse

- mplot version 2.6 (2014/08/23)
-- add "skip empty line" to MplotFile.java
-- compiled with jdk1.8.0_20, jfreechart-1.0.19, jcommon-1.0.23, epsgraphics-1.4

- mplot version 2.5 (2012/12/04)
-- from showOpenDaigram to showSaveDiagram in SelectWriteFile of MplotFile
-- Color of fit line is fixed to BLUE (MplotFitData.java)

- mplot version 2.4 (2012/09/24)
-- bug of CheckGamma in MplotFitData.java is fixed 

- mplot version 2.3 (2012/02/26)
-- added CheckGamma in MplotFitData.java.

- mplot version 2.2 (2011/12/10)
-- added Makefiles for making Mplot.jar. You can run by shortcut of Mplot.jar

- mplot version 2.1 (2011/12/08)
-- added confirmation of quit when close button of the frame is clicked
-- added icon

- mplot version 2.0 (2011/12/04)
-- Major version up
-- number of frame becomes 1 from 2
-- plotted data is stored. each panel can be access by tab
-- bug for reading parameter file which includes log one line is fixed.
-- # in the data file is regarded as comment line.

-mplot version 1.8 (2011/12/05)
-- added show/hide error bars

- mplot version 1.7 (2010/11/17)
-- added error message for file read
-- modified constants
-- added version to the main frame and removed "show version" from Menu

- mplot version 1.6 (2010/11/14)
-- added save as PNG/EPS to Menu Main. Need epsgraphics-1.2.jar, which can be downloaded from "http://sourceforge.net/projects/epsgraphics/".
-- modified "Show version"
-- added auto-scroll to the TextArea.

- mplot version 1.5 (2010/10/24)
-- modified MFileIO.java to handle CVS files by TAB split.

- mplot version 1.4 (2010/09/14)
-- modified MActionListener.java to fix the problem which occur when fitting is repeated. 
-- modified Makefile.bat to delete old *.class files before compiling.
-- add "Show version" to Menu Main.

- mplot version 1.3 (2010/09/12)
-- changed the definition of the fit by line from "y=a+bx" to "y=ax+b" to match the definitions between the line fit and calibration.

- mplot version 1.2 (2010/09/01)
-- Japanese language is available.

- mplot version 1.1 (2010/04/28)
-- added Lin/Log to Menu. This menu is not perfect. If axis includes zero, the graph can not be changed properly. And the Lin/Log menu for X axis is commentted out because it is not needed for the analysis of the gakuse jikken. 

- mplot version 1.0 (2010/03/12)