Publicly Offered Research

Call for Publicly Offered Research for the fiscal year 2019-2020

(NB. Each university/institution has its own deadline for application, usually sometime in October, earlier than the final deadline of Nov.7, 2018. Please ask a proper administration office in your university/institution.)

We call for publicly offered researches in this project, “Clustering as a window on the hierarchical structure of quantum particles”. Each research subject is recommended to be complimentary to the planned researches (Group A01 A02, B01, B02, C01, C02) See the details here.

Each Publicly Offered Research should be done for two years, FY 2019 through 2020, and is categorized into the following three budget schemes; 1) Experimental Research where its yearly budget should be less than 4,000,000 JPY, 2) Experimental research where its yearly budget should be less than 2,800,000 JPY, and 3) Theoretical research where its yearly budget should be less than 1,200,000 JPY. So for instance, the maximum budget for two years will be 8M JPY for an experimental research 1). About 2, 6, and 6 subjects are considered to be selected for the categories 1),2) and 3), respectively, after reviewing the applications. (Also see Table below)

Publicly offered researches are expected to be complementary to one of the planned researches. In the application, please specify which group A01-D01 your research will be complementary to. We also welcome some other researches which may not be complementary to the planned researches, but may fit very well with the purposes of the whole project, having key words such as “Clustering” and “Hierarchical Structure of quantum particles”.

Examples of complementary researches:

A01: Dynamics to bridge quark and hadron hierarchies (PI: Kenta Shigaki, Hiroshima University)

  • Hadronization mechanism via beam energy scan
  • Searches for mass modification of light vector mesons

A02: Elucidation of hierarchical structure between quark and hadron phases by means of quark clusters (PI: Hiroaki Ohnishi, Tohoku University)

  • Exotic hadrons (at SuperKEKB etc.)
  • Novel bound states formed by a vector-meson (pseudo-scaler meson) and nuclei,

B01: Clusters of strange hadrons for investigating hierarchical structure of matter (PI: Hirokazu Tamura, Tohoku University)

  • Λnn system, few-body ΛΛ systems, and other hypernuclei
  • Hyperon-nucleon interactions

B02: Exotic nuclei for investigating hierarchical structure of matter (PI: Takashi Nakamura, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

  • α clustering in neutron rich nuclei
  • α knockout reaction, quasi-free α scattering
  • Scattering experiment relevant to three-nucleon forces
  • Multi α cluster
  • Experiments to probe two nucleon correlation

C01: Ultracold atom study of exotic phenomena bridging different hierarchies (PI: Yoshiro Takahashi, Kyoto University)

  • Feshbach resonances in ultracold atomic systems
  • Ultracold atom-molecule mixed states
  • Experiments probing interactions among delocalized atoms and localized impurities
  • Relevant theories

C02: Universal physics of quantum matter at the change of the hierarchy and the state (PI: Munekazu Horikoshi, University of Tokyo)

  • Electron-hole systems
  • Ionic systems
  • Rydberg-atomic systems
  • Liquid helium systems
  • Ultracold atom and molecule systems
  • Non-equilibrium physics

D01: Emergence mechanism of hierarchical structure of matter

studied by ab-initio calculations (PI: Emiko Hiyama, Kyushu University)

    Theories on the following subjects:

  • Phases of quarks and hadrons, and phase transition between them
  • Universality in ultracold atoms and other quantum systems
  • Efimov physics
  • α cluster physics
  • NN correlation
  • Three nucleon force
  • Ab-initio calculations for nuclei and hypernuclei
  • Correlations in electrons in atom/molecular physics

Table: Summary of budget categories of publicly offered researches in this project for FY2019, 2020.

Researches Maximum Budget/year Expected numbers of approved applications
A01  Dynamics to bridge quark and hadron hierarchies Experimental Research:
4,000,000 JPY
2,800,000 JPY

Theoretical Research
1,200,000 JPY


A02  Elucidation of hierarchical structure between quark and hadron phases by means of quark clusters
B01  Clusters of strange hadrons for investigating hierarchical structure of matter
B02  Exotic nuclei for investigating hierarchical structure of matter
C01  Ultracold atom study of exotic phenomena bridging different hierarchies
C02  Exotic nuclei for investigating hierarchical structure of matter
D01  Emergence mechanism of hierarchical structure of matter studied by ab-initio calculations

