Attachment 'MakePlaHist.C'
Downloadvoid MakePlaHist(){ TArtStoreManager * sman = TArtStoreManager::Instance(); TArtEventStore *estore = new TArtEventStore(); estore->Open("ridf/sdaq02/dayone0080.ridf"); TArtBigRIPSParameters *para = TArtBigRIPSParameters::Instance(); para->LoadParameter("db/BigRIPSPlastic.xml"); TH1 *hf7plat = new TH1D("hf7plat","F7Pla T",4000,0,4000); TH1 *hf7plaq = new TH1D("hf7plaq","F7Pla Q",500,0,500); TH2 *hf7pla = new TH2D("hf7pla","F7Pla T Q",200,0,4000, 200,0,500); TArtCalibPlastic *calib_pla = new TArtCalibPlastic; TClonesArray * pla_array = (TClonesArray *)sman->FindDataContainer("BigRIPSPlastic"); int neve = 0; while(neve<10000){ if(neve%1000==0) cout << "event: " << neve << endl; //------------------------------------------------ estore->GetNextEvent(); calib_pla->ReconstructData(); //------------------------------------------------ // Plastic TArtPlastic * pla = (TArtPlastic *)TArtUtil::FindDataObject(pla_array,(char*)"F7pl"); Double_t f7plat, f7plaq; if(pla){ if(pla->GetTLRaw() > 0 && pla->GetTRRaw() > 0){ f7plat = ((Double_t)pla->GetTLRaw() + (Double_t)pla->GetTRRaw())/2; hf7plat->Fill(f7plat); } if(pla->GetQLRaw() > 0 && pla->GetQRRaw() > 0){ f7plaq = pla->GetQAveRaw(); hf7plaq->Fill(f7plaq); } if (f7plat>0 && f7plaq>0) hf7pla->Fill(f7plat,f7plaq); } //------------------------------------------------ estore->ClearData(); calib_pla->ClearData(); ++neve; //------------------------------------------------ } }
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