Attachment ''
Download#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <TString.h> #include "TArtCore.hh" #include "TArtCSVParameter.hh" using namespace std; //___________________________________________________________________________ TArtCSVParameter::TArtCSVParameter(){ fDoc = xmlNewDoc((xmlChar*)"1.0"); //1.0 is XML version fRootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL,(xmlChar*)"dataroot"); xmlDocSetRootElement(fDoc,fRootNode); ftRootNode = new TXMLNode(fRootNode); // for ROOT XML } //___________________________________________________________________________ TArtCSVParameter::~TArtCSVParameter(){ xmlFreeDoc(fDoc); // free the document xmlCleanupParser();// free the global variables that may have been allocated by the parser xmlMemoryDump(); // this is to debug memory for regression tests } //___________________________________________________________________________ void TArtCSVParameter::LoadParameterList(const char *filename){ ifstream fs(filename); if ( ){ TArtCore::Error(__FILE__,"Cannot open %s", filename); return; } string line; Int_t iline=0; while(getline(fs,line,'\n')){ /* Skip space line */ TString tsline=line; tsline=tsline.Strip(TString::kBoth); if (tsline.IsNull()) {iline++;continue;} // skip comment line if (tsline.First("//")==0) {iline++;continue;} istringstream ss(line);string s; int ncol=0; vector<TString> v_str(2); while (getline(ss,s,',')){ TString tsline = s; tsline=tsline.Strip(TString::kBoth); if (ncol>=2) { TArtCore::Error(__FILE__,"Too much Column at %d in %s", iline+1, filename); break; } v_str[ncol] = tsline; ++ncol; } LoadParameter(v_str[0].Data(),v_str[1].Data()); iline++; } fs.close(); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void TArtCSVParameter::LoadParameter(const char *NodeName, const char *csvfile){ ifstream fs(csvfile); if ( ){ TArtCore::Error(__FILE__,"Cannot open %s", csvfile); return; } vector<TString> str_line0; string line; int iline=0; while(getline(fs,line,'\n')){ /* Skip space line */ TString tsline=line; tsline=tsline.Strip(TString::kBoth); if (tsline.IsNull()) {iline++;continue;} // skip comment line if (tsline.First("//")==0) {iline++;continue;} //-------------------------------------- /* Scan one line */ int i=0; bool IDExist=false; xmlNodePtr Node; istringstream ss(line);string s; while (getline(ss,s,',')){ TString ts=s; ts=ts.Strip(TString::kBoth); //-------------------------------------- if (iline==0) { // first line : Node Names if (ts.IsNull()) TArtCore::Warning(__FILE__,"Empty column at the first line in %s", csvfile); str_line0.push_back(ts); // store Node names //-------------------------------------- }else{ // 2nd. line- : Node Contents if (ts.IsNull()){++i; continue;}// skip space column if (i>=(int)str_line0.size()){ TArtCore::Warning(__FILE__, "Too much column at line %d in %s",iline+1,csvfile); continue;} //-------------------------------------- if ("ID"==str_line0[i]) { // ID column Node = FindSameIDNode(NodeName, "ID",ts.Data()); if (0==Node) { // ID is not found, create new Node Node = xmlNewNode(NULL,(xmlChar*)NodeName); xmlNewChild(Node,NULL,(xmlChar*)str_line0[i].Data(),(xmlChar*)ts.Data()); xmlAddChild(fRootNode,Node); }else IDExist=true; // ID has already existed //-------------------------------------- }else{ // column is not for ID if (IDExist){ xmlNodePtr NodeMatch = FindNode(Node,str_line0[i].Data()); if (NodeMatch==0) xmlNewChild(Node,NULL,(xmlChar*)str_line0[i].Data(),(xmlChar*)ts.Data()); else xmlNodeSetContent(NodeMatch,(xmlChar*)ts.Data()); // update the content }else // Chlid Node is added when ID does not exist xmlNewChild(Node,NULL,(xmlChar*)str_line0[i].Data(),(xmlChar*)ts.Data()); } } ++i; //increment of column number } ++iline;//increment of line number } fs.close(); } //___________________________________________________________________________ xmlNodePtr TArtCSVParameter::FindNode(xmlNodePtr NodePare, const char *NodeName){ xmlNodePtr node_child = NodePare->children; while (node_child!=NULL){ if (strcmp(NodeName,(char*)node_child->name)==0) return node_child; node_child = node_child->next; } return 0; } //___________________________________________________________________________ xmlNodePtr TArtCSVParameter::FindSameIDNode(const char *NodeName, const char *NodeContent){ xmlNodePtr NodePare = fRootNode->children; while(NodePare!=NULL){ xmlNodePtr node_child = NodePare->children; while (node_child!=NULL){ if (strcmp(NodeName,(char*)node_child->name)!=0) { node_child=node_child->next; continue; } if (strcmp(NodeContent,(char*)xmlNodeGetContent(node_child))==0) return NodePare; node_child = node_child->next; } NodePare = NodePare->next; } return 0; } //___________________________________________________________________________ // for test xmlNodePtr TArtCSVParameter::FindSameIDNode(const char *PareNodeName, const char *NodeName, const char *NodeContent){ xmlNodePtr NodePare = fRootNode->children;//SAMURAIPla, etc... while(NodePare!=NULL){ xmlNodePtr node_child = NodePare->children;// ID, Layer, etc... if (strcmp((char*)NodePare->name,PareNodeName)!=0) { NodePare = NodePare->next; continue; } while (node_child!=NULL){ if (strcmp(NodeName,(char*)node_child->name)!=0) { node_child=node_child->next; continue; } if (strcmp(NodeContent,(char*)xmlNodeGetContent(node_child))==0) return NodePare; node_child = node_child->next; } NodePare = NodePare->next; } return 0; } //___________________________________________________________________________ void TArtCSVParameter::Write(const char *xmlfile){ //output for check xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(xmlfile, fDoc, "UTF-8", 1); // output to file } //___________________________________________________________________________
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- [get | view] (2013-06-25 06:26:40, 1.2 KB) [[attachment:TArtCounter.hh]]
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- [get | view] (2012-12-04 15:34:00, 1.6 KB) [[attachment:TArtUserParameters.hh]]
- [get | view] (2012-12-04 15:34:38, 1.6 KB) [[attachment:UserParameters.xml]]
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- [get | view] (2012-06-04 04:07:52, 2.6 KB) [[attachment:anaroot_filter.ver1.01.jar]]
- [get | view] (2012-06-01 17:27:17, 4.7 KB) [[attachment:calc2xml.v2.xsl]]
- [get | view] (2012-04-20 03:33:51, 6.3 KB) [[attachment:calc2xml.xsl]]
- [get | view] (2012-10-17 07:32:11, 1.0 KB) [[attachment:install-example.txt]]
- [get | view] (2012-11-29 12:06:11, 1.0 KB) [[attachment:parameters.xml]]
- [get | view] (2012-04-20 03:33:17, 3.1 KB) [[attachment:xml2calc.xsl]]
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