Attachment 'ch2ns.C'
Downloadvoid ch2ns(TH2* hist, int IDsta=1, TString opt=""){ /* ROOT Macro for TDC calibration from 2d histogram (ID vs Traw) input: 2d-hist option="nstop" -> wait is skipped output: ch2ns.txt -> calibration values */ // modify this line if you need const double period=10;// period of TDC calibrator (ns) Int_t nbin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Int_t num=0; vector<double> prm; hist->Draw(); gPad->GetCanvas()->Clear(); gPad->GetCanvas()->Divide(1,2); for (Int_t i=IDsta-1;i<nbin;i++){// begin of loop -------> num++; Int_t ID = i+1; TH1 *h=MakeBanY(hist,ID); gPad->GetCanvas()->cd(1); h->Draw(); gPad->GetCanvas()->cd(2); double val=GetPrmFromHist(h,period); prm.push_back(val); // Draw gPad->GetCanvas()->Update(); cout<<"ID="<<ID<<" prm="<<val<<endl; if (opt!="nstop") if(Wait()) break; }// end of loop <-------------- // file write ofstream ofs1;"ch2ns.txt"); vector<double>::iterator it=prm.begin(); while(it!=prm.end()){ ofs1<<*it<<endl; it++; } ofs1.close(); cout<<"parameters are writen in \"ch2ns.txt\""<<endl; cout<<num<<" channels are fitted, END"<<endl; } //___________________________________________________________________________ double GetPrmFromHist(TH1 *h, double period){ double calval;// calibration value int thre = h->GetMaximum()*0.2;// threshold for peak search int nbin = h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Double_t xmin,xmax; double p[3]; vector<double> peaks; vector<double> tvals; int OverThre=0; for(int ibin=1;ibin<nbin+1;ibin++){ if( OverThre==0 && h->GetBinContent(ibin)>thre ){ OverThre=1; xmin=h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin); }else if ( OverThre==1 && h->GetBinContent(ibin)<thre){ OverThre=2; xmax=h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin); } if (OverThre==2){ OverThre=0; TF1 *func = new TF1("myfunc","gaus"); double mean = 0.5*(xmin+xmax); double rms = 0.5*0.3*(xmax-xmin); func->SetParameters( h->GetMaximum(), h->GetMean(), h->GetRMS() ); h->Fit(func,"Q","",xmin,xmax); func->GetParameters(p); // cout<<"peak value is "<<p[1]<<endl; peaks.push_back(p[1]); tvals.push_back(period*peaks.size()); } } double* xpointer=&(; double* ypointer=&(; TGraph* tg=new TGraph(peaks.size(),xpointer,ypointer); tg->Fit("pol1","Q"); TString title=h->GetName(); tg->SetTitle(title); tg->Draw("AP*"); tg->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); calval=tg->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1); return calval; } //___________________________________________________________________________ TH1* MakeBanY(TH2* hist, Int_t id){ TString str=hist->GetName(); ostringstream oss; oss<<id; str+="_bny"+oss.str(); return hist->ProjectionY(str.Data(),id,id); } //___________________________________________________________________________ bool Wait(){ //check and quit if q is typed printf("[enter]:continue, [q]:quit >"); char s[1]; gets(s); if(s[0]=='q') { cout<<"Break fit loop"<<endl; return true; } return false; } //___________________________________________________________________________
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- [get | view] (2012-11-02 05:10:49, 2.6 KB) [[attachment:FDC2Hist.C]]
- [get | view] (2012-11-02 04:31:49, 2.1 KB) [[attachment:HODHist.C]]
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- [get | view] (2012-11-02 05:25:41, 1.7 KB) [[attachment:PlaHist.C]]
- [get | view] (2012-02-15 09:14:24, 3.2 KB) [[attachment:ch2ns.C]]
- [get | view] (2012-02-15 10:05:13, 3.0 KB) [[attachment:getlandaupeak.C]]
- [get | view] (2012-02-15 09:14:53, 2.7 KB) [[attachment:getped.C]]
- [get | view] (2012-02-13 09:49:04, 2.6 KB) [[attachment:makevsta.C]]
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