Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

Locked History Actions


About How to do something.

login to anaroot

$ anarootlogin username
$ root -l
root[i] .x hoge.C // execute macro
root[i] .q // finish root

anarootlogin command is available only in RIBF analysis server. If you want to use the library at your site, please do

$ . setup.sh
$ root -l
root[i] gSystem->Load("libanaroot") // load anaroot library
root[i] .q // finish root

analysis ridf

using anafile.

root[i] book(new TAlEncExample, "ana/example/nebula.ana")
root[i] push("ridf/dayone0123.ridf")
root[i] start()

not using anafile

root[i] book(new TAlSAMURAIExample)
root[i] push("ridf/dayone0123.ridf")
root[i] start()

analysis several ridf files

root[i] book(new TAlEncExample, "ana/example.ana")
root[i] push("ridf/run0001.ridf")
root[i] start()
root[i] push("ridf/run0002.ridf") // you can push at anytime
root[i] push("ridf/run0003.ridf")
root[i] status()
root[i] pop(2) // delete 2nd ridf file waiting analyzed
root[i] next() // go to next ridf file at once

draw id i to j

root[i] zone(2,3)
root[i] ht(1,6)

count events

root[i] stop() // you have to stop because event number will increase every moment
root[i] ls()
root[i] ht(5)
root[i] xsta() // for 1D
root[i] xysta() // for 2D
root[i] start() // resume

Draw same

root[i] ht(1)
root[i] ht(2, "same")

if you are dividing canvas、

root[i] ht(1)
root[i] hht(2, "same") // hh something means draw histogram without going to next pad

save/read hist

root[i] hstore("hist.root") // save
root[i] fetch("hist.root") // read

access to current hist

gH1 is pointer of current hist

root[i] gH1->GetName()
root[i] gH1->Draw("COLZ")

access to hist by ID

root[i] gethist(i)->GetName()
root[i] gethist(i)->Draw("same")

fit 2D hist by polynomial

root[i] ht(2)
root[i] pfx()
root[i] fitp(1) //linear

get fit result

root[i] ht(3)
root[i] TFitResultPtr frp = fitp(1)
root[i] std::cout << frp->Parameter(0) << " " << frp->ParError(0) << std::endl;
root[i] std::cout << frp->Parameter(1) << " " << frp->ParError(1) << std::endl;
root[i] std::cout << frp->Parameter(2) << " " << frp->ParError(2) << std::endl;

analysis in macro

book(new TAlEncExample, "ana/hoge.ana");
spush("ridf/sm_dayone/sdaq02/dayone",".ridf",1,10); // dayone0001.ridf, ..., dayone0010.ridf
join(); // wait analysis finish