Revision 18 as of 2012-04-28 12:14:15

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Locked History Actions



Basicaly, process one line by one.

<command>: write in head of line to tell what definition comes next. If no <command> is written, be assumed that definition of histogram.
100,: write comma "only" but "always" after number. If number of comma is not correct, program abort.
"title": if a word be sandwiched by ", this will be title of obejct


If you want to use <analys> or <stop>, you have to book TAlEncExample. (正確にはTArtAnaFileのRegisterで登録したTAlEncSubを継承したクラスについてのみanalysが使える。 stopはTAlEncStopの特殊機能でTAlEncStopは予めRegisterされている。)

# analys: analysis in order of written analyser id
# <analys> analyser_id, analyser_id, ...
// <- this is also useable for comment out
<analys> 0,14,15,16,12, // comment out

# stop: skip analysis of this event if gate is true
# <stop> gate_id, gate_id, ...
<stop> 101,

# include another anafile
# <include> "filename"
<include> "cut/example.cut"
<include> "ana/example.ana"

# {index}: analyser,id_start,id_end,wnum,
#  analyser: represent Detector like BigRIPS, DALI, NEBULA, and so on.
#  id_start: start id
#  id_end: end id (if you want to fill only one ch, this number be same as id_start)
#  wnum: represent physical value like TOF, Energy Deposit, and so on.

# gate
# <gate> gate_id, {index}, low,up, "title"
<gate> 101, 1,1,1,30, 1400,1500, "turaw 101 gate"

# circle cut
# <cc> gate_id, {index x}, {index y}, center x, center y, radius x, radius y,
<cc>   201, 1,1,1,30,  1,1,1,10, 1450,300,100,100, "turaw 101 vs auraw 101"

# and, or
# <and> new_gate_id, gate_id1, gate_id2, ... , "title"
<and>  104, 101,102, "turaw 101 and auraw 101"
<or>   105, 101,102, "turaw 101  or auraw 101"
<and>  106, 101,102,103, "101 and 102 and 103"

# 1D hist
# gate_id, analyser,id_start,id_end,wnum, bin#,low,up, "title"
0, 1,3,3,2, 100,0,4100, "turaw ch3"

# 2D hist
# gate_id, analyser,id_start,id_end,wnum, bin#,low,up, analyser,...,up, "title"
0, 1,1,150,1, 150,0.5,150.5, 1,1,150,2, 4100,0,4100, "id vs turaw ch1-150"

Analyser ID and WNum ID

Analyser number and WNum number can viewed on root by

root[i] lv();

If you want to know correct ID, please see source/AnaLoop/include/EWNum.hh or each TAlEnc Class.