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Abstract of AnaFile

AnaFile is a txt file to control analysis and histograms simply. This means ANAROOT can be used almost like ANAPAW (standard analysis software in RIKEN).

If you want to use AnaFile, you have to book TAlEncExample. For detail of TAlEncExample see here.


Basically, process one line by one.

<command>: write in head of line to tell what definition comes next. If no <command> is written, be assumed that definition of histogram.
100,: write comma "only" but "always" after number. If number of comma is not correct, program abort.
"title": if a word be sandwiched by ", this will be title of object


// analys: analysis in order of written analyser id
// <analys> analyser_id, analyser_id, ...
<analys> 0,14,15,
<analys> 16,12,

// include another anafile
// <include> "filename"
<include> "cut/example.cut"
<include> "ana/example.ana"

// {index}: analyser,id_start,id_end,wnum,
//  analyser: represent Detector like BigRIPS, DALI, NEBULA, and so on.
//  id_start: start id
//  id_end: end id (if you want to fill only one ch, this number be same as id_start)
//  wnum: represent physical value like TOF, Energy Deposit, and so on.

// gate
// <gate> gate_id, {index}, low,up, "title"
<gate> 101, 1,1,1,30, 1400,1500, "turaw 101 gate"

// stop: if gate is true, do not process below.
// <stop> gate_id, gate_id, ...
<stop> 101,

// circle cut
// <cc> gate_id, {index x}, {index y}, center x, center y, radius x, radius y,
<cc>   201, 1,1,1,30,  1,1,1,10, 1450,300,100,100, "turaw 101 vs auraw 101"

// and, or
// <and> new_gate_id, gate_id1, gate_id2, ... , "title"
<and>  104, 101,102, "turaw 101 and auraw 101"
<or>   105, 101,102, "turaw 101  or auraw 101"
<and>  106, 101,102,103, "101 and 102 and 103"

// 1D hist
// gate_id, analyser,id_start,id_end,wnum, bin#,low,up, "title"
0, 1,3,3,2, 100,0,4100, "turaw ch3"

// 2D hist
// gate_id, analyser,id_start,id_end,wnum, bin#,low,up, analyser,...,up, "title"
0, 1,1,150,1, 150,0.5,150.5, 1,1,150,2, 4100,0,4100, "id vs turaw ch1-150"

// for <for>(variable; start; end; step) ...
<for>(i;1;20;1) 0, 1,$i,$i,2, 100,0,4100, "turaw ch$i"

// do not decode below this line

Analyser ID and WNum ID

Analyser number and WNum number can viewed on root by

root[i] lv();

If you want to know correct ID, please see source/AnaLoop/include/EWNum.hh or each TAlEnc Class.