Attachment 'ArtAnalyzeDALI1.C'
Download#ifndef __CINT__ #include <iostream> #include "TSystem.h" #include "TArtEventStore.hh" #include "TArtDALIParameters.hh" #include "TArtCalibDALI.hh" #include "TArtDALINaI.hh" #include "TArtDALINaIPara.hh" #endif void ArtAnalyzeDALI1() { TArtEventStore *eventstore = new TArtEventStore; const char* filename = "ridf/1205_dayone/sdaq02/dayone0123.ridf"; if(!eventstore->Open(filename)){ std::cout << "cannot open " << filename << std::endl; return; } TArtDALIParameters *daliparameters = new TArtDALIParameters; daliparameters->LoadParameter("db/DALI.xml"); TArtCalibDALI *calibdali= new TArtCalibDALI; std::cout << " start to scan" << std::endl; int nevent = 0; while(eventstore->GetNextEvent() && nevent<100){ calibdali->ReconstructData(); Int_t NumDALI = calibdali->GetNumNaI(); calibdali->ClearData(); eventstore->ClearData(); ++nevent; std::cout << " AnaDALI: " << nevent << ", NumDALI: " << NumDALI << std::endl; } return; }
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